2021 BBHOF Tracker Summary and Leaderboard

View the full 2021 Tracker with all individual ballots: 2021 BBHOF Tracker

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  1. Do you have an assessment of how much Bonds and Clemens may have to “over-perform” (more than 75%) by in the public ballots to make up for the non-public ballots?

    • Short answer, Bonds and Clemens will roughly need about 78% of public ballots. Last year there were 397 ballots cast, 328 were public. Bonds received 241 votes, 214 of which were public. Bonds was 57 short of the 298 needed. Of the 156 not voting for Bonds 114 were public. If we assume 57 more votes come proportionally public ballots would be 214 plus 73% of 57 for 256 public votes which would be 78% of public ballots. Non public votes would be 27 (241-214) plus 27% of 57 for 42 total votes on 69 non public ballots for 61%. This would represent an increase of 13% on public ballots and 22% on non public ballots. It doesn’t look likely. Next year Schilling probably won’t be on the ballot, but Ortiz will be on the ballot. Numbers for Clemens would be similar as they are usually 1 or 2 votes apart. This is just back of the napkin calculations.

      • Thanks for the explanation. Those are not unrealistic numbers but neither Bonds nor Clemens are on that track so far.

          • Anybody who thinks Bonds and Clemens don’t deserve to be in the Hall are not truly baseball fans. Bonds is literally the best player ever, there is so much evidence for his case that you have to be willingly ignorant to still believe he doesn’t deserve to be in the Hall. You need to grow up.

          • Seriously? Out of the 3 Schilling is the only one that should get in. Where you been?

    • Let’s hope the writers stop playing God and vote Clemens in. If they vote for David Ortiz they should vote for Clemens. Clemens never failed a test (Ortiz did) Clemens numbers are comparable to Nolan Ryan in his later years so Clemens wasn’t performing super human. He kept in shape and his arm held up. Not like he was hitting 100 mph in his late 30’s worthy.

      HOF is for the fans to look back at their favorite players and tell stories to their kids while in there. Clemens is HOF worthly.

  2. It’s known fact. You have to get more in public votes, per average, to make up for non public

    • Correct, that’s why I asked the question about assessing how many more public votes may be needed. With the number of years of data in the tracker they may be able to provide some insight into this.

  3. buenas noches sera que omar vizquel y bobby abreu y omar vizquel pasara de 75 por ciento y abreu subirá hasta el 40 por ciento en esta votación delos cronistas

    • Los moderadores de la página no pueden saber eso, Cualquier proyección es una suposición, ni siquiera los métodos estadísticos son exactos. Por ejemplo Vizquel ha tenido 37%; 42.8% & 52.6% en los tres años previos, para llegar a 75% necesita un salto de mas de 20% en sus totales de votos, hasta ahora lo más que ha avanzado es 9.8% (global) del 2019 al 2020. Si sigue la tendencia, estaría entre 63% y 68% al final de la votación, y eso lo dejaría en una buena posición para la próxima votación. por su parte Abreu el año pasado sólo sacó 5.5% pensar que subirá hasta 40% es un poco aventurado, Cómo le digo, son solo suposiciones. Hay que esperar a ver como se van desarrollando los votos.

      • luis lo que pasa es que están tan lentos los votos delos cronistas esta casi uno por dia y por lo que se tardara mucho y ya casi las p.m

  4. Maddox, glavin both got assisted with umpires calling strikes on outside pitches, bonds, Clemens are both deserving with an asterisk its time

    • Yeah, well it looks like the voters are intent on changing the Hall of Fame to the Hall of Lame omitting Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, Schilling, etc. from entry.

  5. luis lo que pasa es que están tan lentos los votos delos cronistas esta casi uno por dia y por lo que se tardara mucho y ya casi las 6 p.m

    • Estimado Oswaldo, no todos los cronistas revelan su boleta, La Asociación de Escritores de Baseball de Estados Unidos (BBWAA, por sus siglas en inglés) deberá emitir sus votos antes del fin de año. De este modo, los nuevos integrantes del Olimpo del baseball serán anunciados a través de la cadena oficial de la Gran Carpa, MLB Network, el jueves 26 de enero.

  6. que beuno que por ahora tod se ve parejo ya que la diferencia esta por votos entre los que mas tienen pienso que todavía vizquel tiene chance , los demas si les toca esperar veo que de los que entraron varios no van a llegar
    pero bueno como dices luis los cronistas son los que votan solo ellos saben quien o quiens merecen entar este 2021

    • Muchos cronistas, sobre todos los de más edad, son bien “celosos” con quien entra al HOF, imagínate que de varios miles de peloteros que han jugado en la Gran Carpa, solo hay 235 jugadores en el Salón de la Fama, actualmente, con fechas de nacimiento que van desde 1847 (Deacon White) hasta 1977 (Halladay). De esos 235, solo 55 nacieron desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1945. “Sólo 55”, los votantes argumentan y con sobradas razones, que el HOF es sólo para los realmente fuera de serie. Ahora se han ido incorporando los que basan sus decisiones en la sabermetría, porque en números puros y duros, los records de antaño son simplemente inalcanzables. Te voy a citar este ejemplo escrito por Mike Petriello Analista de MLB.com : “Ya nadie sabe qué hacer con los lanzadores abridores. Gracias a la forma en que el juego ha cambiado, las estadísticas compiladas por los mejores titulares de hoy nunca coincidirán con sus ancestros históricos. Para elegir solo un ejemplo: Clayton Kershaw, quien debería ser un miembro indudable cuando sea elegible, tiene 25 juegos completos y 15 blanqueadas a lo largo de su carrera. Bob Gibson, admitido en 1981, tuvo 28 juegos completos y 13 blanqueadas ……………. solo en 1968” Saludos…

  7. Bonds, Clemens, Ramirez, Sheffield, Sosa, Schilling, Jones, Kent, Helton should be IN, in that order. Vizquel, Rolen, Wagner, Pettitte, Abreu, Buehrle, Hunter, Hudson deserve a closer look. On the field performance counts for all with me. All numbers are counted until you retire or are suspended. Who’s a proven cheater, who’s a suspected cheater? HOF most likely has suspects and cheaters already. The juice, cream or clear Bonds is the best hitter I’ve ever seen.

    • i aggree with yo in some parts of you dayalog , but , what i think is that ithis year the persons that have to be in the hallof fame ikown if you aggree willbe vizquel, posible schilling , bonds and clemens , hte rest i thing the will increase the porcentage to be try to enter in hofb next year

    • i aggree with you in some parts of you dayalog , but , what i think is that this year the persons ,that have to be in the hall of fame, i kown if you aggree will be vizquel, posible schilling , bonds and clemens , the rest i thing the will increase the porcentage to be try to enter in hall of fame baseball next year
      another observation today was not reply a new vote of ballots

  8. i hope, that today, can reveled more vote ballots, and vizquel an abreu can increase the porcentaje , the vote are really close ,this year with the porcentage reveled

  9. Oswaldo,
    This site can only compile the ballots that they have access to. They will come in more quickly in a few weeks.

  10. good new vizquel and abreu is increasing in the votes ballots thank for the report


  12. Hi ryan ,thanks for the reports of the cronist of the hall of fame 2021 is possible that tomorrow can recieve 3 more ballots what you thinks vizquel. Have change to enter this year what you thinking

  13. dear ryan thanks for the report what i thinkig vizquel this year arrive les than 50% and barry bonds ,clements and shilling will be in this year to the hall fame 2021 according what i see rigth now
    , i hope that the person voting can look vizquel golden gloves

    • Hi Oswaldo, I can deduce from your interest in Vizquel, that you are Venezuelan like me, but the golden glove is not directly awarded by MLB. I also want Omar go to Cooperstown, if any Venezuelan journalist says that Omar will be elected this year, he is simply speaking from his nationality, and not from his reason.

      • yes luis iam vnenzuela , the problem is coming because i dont understand that the new that iam recieving , that i dont undersatand that with some reason , hte person that is votting are not clear , and why the dont say idont vote anymore , to vizqeul , with the noitce of the domestic problem , why the dont took out before , and they are not voting more the cause of other palyer are more than this and they re receving vote is not becuase vizquel is venezuelan , i hope that hte vote cna change for only the time he play

        • Te entiendo Oswaldo, pero los peloteros deben estar libres de cualquier escandalo fuera de los terrenos de juego, esa es una las razones por las cuales Curt Schilling tampoco ha llegado al Salón de la Fama. por acusaciones de fraude ni Pete Rose por su inclinación a las apuestas. Esto es poco, comparado con las acusaciones que pesan sobre Vizquel por abuso contra su pareja. El tema es viejo, sólo que salió a luz pública ahorita, si no lo sabías en 2016 Vizquel fue arrestado por violencia doméstica, igual en 2019 fue despedido por los White Sox (era manager del equipo AA) por un incidente con un empleado. En fin, no es algo de reciente data, sólo que recién ha salido a la palestra por que MLB lo está investigando. Es lamentable, pero, es lo que se ha revelado recientemente, habrá que esperar el resultado de dichas investigaciones. Saludos

  14. derar ryan i hear that vizquel probably will be out of the voted ballots this is tur , the mlb are investigation him for some problem domestic
    why this year and not 3 years ago

  15. Dear Ryan, Iis hard that some divorces of vizquel with his wife , is cousing some reduction in the porcentage of the person can are voting in the hall of fame this year, was more fear that he cannot be entert in the bollet ,

  16. Vizquel isn’t getting in. I’m not sure he’s even picked up a single vote since the abuse allegations broke. A telling sign will be if he ends up with less votes this year then he got last year.

    • tom answering to you i am following all te coments of abuse allegations broke, in this case remember that this problem can comes toall families aronund the world , the hall fo fame of mlb is intruding in the list is player for the merit of the player not for the families problems , the problem was becomes becuase his wife was not opne the door room for some reason , but the prblem was solved and they divorces 4 years ago when vizqeul start in the ballots of the hall of fame this is for calrify your comments i hopte this will be answer you question and one person vote for him and boboy abreu and incurease from 22 to 23 to vizquel and form abreu to 7 to 8
      oswaldo zambrano

  17. I understand what your saying Oswaldo but unfortunately here in the USA we now live in what is called a politically correct world and the writers will hold your off the field activities against you. As a fan of the game I considered Vizquel a borderline candidate based on his on field accomplishments. I’m afraid these allegations won’t help those borderline chances.


  18. Unfortunately neither Bonds nor Clemens are getting in this year. They haven’t flipped any writers in this initial 50 vote sample. Shilling has a shot, but may very well fall short again as well.

  19. Dear Ron, I think the same as you. I also think that Wagner will be close to 50%,
    and nobody will be elected this year.

  20. Curt Schilling will get into the Baseball Hall of Fame. The question is if the writers will do it this year or next or if he has to wait until the Today’s Game Era Committee meets to put him in on his first ballot. His continued existence on the ballot hurts those on the ballot with him (like Jeff Kent, Billy Wagner, Scott Rolen, or Todd Helton) or if he isn’t elected by the writers, those (like Jimmy Key, Mark Langston, John Franco, Bret Saberhagen, Peter O’Malley, Felipe Alou, or Rich Garcia) who might have been on the Era Committee ballot instead of him, much more than it hurts him.

    Likewise, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Sammy Sosa and the other players tainted by steroids will eventually all get in. The question is whether the writers will put them in or will they get in posthumously? or at least until thinking changes sufficiently among the veterans, baseball executives and baseball reporters on the various veterans committees to give them a chance at election?

    • As of today, 1/17/21, Schilling will never get in. Normally, a player with about 70 percent support after eight years will get in within the next two ballots. I never thought of him as a “lock” because he was never considered HOF quality
      until he joined Arizona late in his career, but he was getting increased support in recent balloting. However, his over the top rants on twitter stopped his momentum and he is considered emotionally like Bonds and Clemons. He is not getting additional support on the Tracker from returning voters. And now, with his open twitter support for the insurrectionists who overran the Capital on 1/6/21, his fate is sealed for next year and subsequent years where is might be considered by a special committee. Voters are human. They will vote for conservatives, but not advocates of sedition.

  21. matt ,anwering your question about the ballots is many votes pending and schilling is close for the porcentage, but is heard to undertand the committee, in some vote is moving up and some times is reducing the procentage , what i mention we have to wait to the 300 votes to see who can enter this time is closer in 7 or 8 players , last year this was didi in the last vote schilling was not in for 1.5 porcentage last year

  22. ryan according what i see curt schilling wll be in this year es to close i s 0.6 porcentaje

  23. Schilling is unlikely to get in. He was 20 votes shy last year and is -1 among returning voters. He should be +3 or 4 at this point. That’s a big difference.

  24. thanks freind ryan i hope that vizqeul and abreu can imorved in the inincreasion porcentaje
    have good night

    • Hola Oswaldo, un consejo, utiliza al menos el traductor de Google para escribir en Inglés.

  25. Hope Clemens and Bonds make it — PED’s or not, both were obviously two of the best players at their positions ever. As great a defensive player as he was, I am somewhat surprised at the support AJones is getting, given the way his career fell off a cliff.

  26. Thanks you Ryan for your information is almost close the day of year the page annoument is fine i hope the quantity of voted ballots can increase more fast than yesterday and my favorites to enter omar vizquel can increase more than 52 %this two days a can be even than last years
    Thanks you have nice day

  27. Que luis maury que este subiendo vizquel ojala llegue al 60 porciento
    Saludos y que pases un feliz año 2020

    • Gracias Oswaldo, sin embargo creo que lo que dice Tom es cierto, Vizquel no creo que llegue a 60%, por el contrario, estoy convencido que este año tendrá menos votos que el año pasado. El gran ganador incluso si no es electo ha sido Scott Rolen.

  28. I’m afraid the character claus in the voting rules will keep Vizquel out. Sorry Oswaldo.

  29. Si entiendo lo que dice Tom no es facil luis entrar mira lo.que le paso a David concepcion nunca entro y tiene mejores estadisticas que vizquel lo que si le alegra es por abreu quien subió mas de 12 %
    Que tengan un feliz año 2020 el dia 31 de diciembre

  30. Hi tom, vizquel ,was a good player 11 golden gloves ,in mlb ,he was divorces ro his first wife ,his first wife is defending him, in this case is involving his second wife ,apparently and if you have you mother wife live in the same house is cause problem with desaggreement that is this case is call in spanglish chismes de novela o de mujeres this is not came be evaluated in mlb the problem of family have to be solve only with the housband and wife
    Oswaldo zambrano

  31. Good afternoon person who are in the comments in the page of following votes i hard to understand this votes person cronist , apperently ,what i looking many of the cronist are trying to protected, the person like clement bonds, helton ,rolen and schilling ,they was good player too ,but is hard to try to changes votes protecting this 5 person more than the orders ,is look that this time the five persons will be inscrease more ,please think more in other player not only in this five persons i know that the people voting are the cronist but thinking this

  32. I think MLB is done with Vizquel. He was a Manager on the rise but after he got fired for the clubhouse incident in Birmingham the only job he could find was in the Mexican League. I predict he finishes under 40% this year on the vote.

    • Hi Tom, I agree with you. I told Oswaldo a few days ago that Vizquel would not be elected this year.

  33. I think is better with this mlb can took out vizquel of the ballots votes next year and every body not be affraid, with this i am complete in desagree if the cronist give a porcentage bellots 52 that he obtain on 2020 votes because a simple comments tom grow ,sorry is this is only option that have the cronist ,i like the mlb ,for year

  34. Its fun to speculate if Bonds, Clemens and Schilling will make it this time. Sad to see Sosa isn’t in the running even though he has huge batting credentials such as 290 HRs over 5 year span; a NL MVP award and the guy was just fun as hell to watch. What was that 2 finger sign he did after each HR? A kiss to his mother? Awesome. The supplement scandal was a hoax…a real hoax and the corked bat was a nothing burger too. Corked bats make the ball travel shorter distances not farther. Anyway, sad to see him shut out of Hall of Fame over such nonsense. If they weren’t kicked out of baseball the Hall should only focus on baseball performances.

    • “Corked bats make the ball travel shorter distances ” That’s some crazy logic. If that were true, people wouldn’t do it. I’ve heard people say steroids don’t really help either. I guess they just do it for fun.

  35. Hi don i aggree with all that you mention , the only thing what i mention is that i dont understand the cronist ,why they are doing this to vizquel with some comments scandal that is not good for baseball to reduce porcentage to him only for this comments i know that is one cronist from my country Venezuela that are promoving this is hard than 2021 can be coming this i was following him for many years that are the name juan vene sorry you can heard this
    Oswaldo zambrano

  36. If a corked bat generated less distance and/or advantage at the plate, why did Sosa use it? Was he just dumb.

    As far as his candidacy, he is behind Bonds, Clemens, Palmeiro, Manny, Mac and probably Sheffield, not to mention Alex Rodriguez.

    I’m not saying he shouldn’t be in and at some point, l believe all those guys will be admitted (with some recognition that it was widespread in the sport) but at this point, he definitely doesn’t deserve to go in

    • The corked bat story is long a technical as far as the distance issue. Sosa said he used the bat only for practice as it made a louder sound. It also makes the bat lighter which according to the experts in an article I read allows the batter to swing faster and thus give them a fraction of a second more time to register the pitch and adjust. Of course batters can choose a lighter bat if they want as far as I know but it has to be a solid bat. Sosa claimed he mistakenly took the wrong bat (his practice only bat) to the plate and we know what happened…it broke. Maybe that’s true or maybe not, he has never said otherwise. Anyway he was ejected from the game and suspended 8 games.
      I’m not saying he was better than Mac or AROD (who isn’t eligible yet). He did end up with more total HRs than Mac did though. He is 9th all time and the 3 out of 4 years with over 60 HRs is unmatched all time.
      I respectfully can not disagree with you more on Sosa and Mac should have already been in. Arod definitely belongs in and if you don’t have Bonds and Clemens in the Hall of Fame then the institution is a joke.

    • I reallhy think the corked bat thing is a non issue here. The voters care less about that than the Spitball and Gaylord Perry is already in.Sosa is out because he was caught using steroids.

  37. Eric: Exactly. That’s why Sosa used a corked bat.

    Don: All I’m saying is that Sosa was (imo) a lesser player than all the guys l mentioned. Arod is eligible next year and clearly will struggle. (It isn’t just me though, Sosa has a 58.6 WAR). I would put him in, but that WAR isn’t spectacular. I agree on Bonds & Clemens (l own game worn jerseys of both).

    Happy New Year

    • I don’t know how you can leave him out. WAR isn’t everything that a player contributes. The HR numbers are a major factor and 9th all time doesn’t make HOF??? As far as the comments about he corked bat, Sosa’s story [that he picked up the wrong bat used for highlight reel before the game] adds up. An average MLB player goes through a bat on average every 10 plate appearances. The MLB tested 74 of his bats and found nothing. The one that broke was the only one. Also, a corked bat is much louder than a solid bat and that is the whole point. It is also more likely to break. A player would be foolish to think he could get away with using one regularly.

  38. Where did l say l would leave him out? Damn dude. I said he has to wait his turn behind better ballplayers. He’s way way way behind Palmeiro, should he get in first?
    You’re right WAR isn’t everything but it’s the best cumulative metric to compare guys from the same era/position. Clearly better than any single person’s subjective opinion.

    I collect game used bats and there are nowhere near 60 game used bats kicking around the hobby from every player/season AND (with no disrespect) it’s ludicrous to think that professional hitters that have bats made to spec can’t tell the difference in the swing weight of a bat. I guarantee you that someone like Tony Gwynn notices a few grand/mm handle width differential.

    These guys aren’t ransoms playing softball at the park and using whatever bat happens to just be available.

  39. Ron, I didn’t mean YOU specifically, I was speaking in terms of anyone who wants to leave Sosa out. Palmiero isn’t on the ballot as I am sure you are aware. As far as noticing the difference in weight of the bat, we don’t know what the weight was. A corked bat can be exactly the same weight as his regular bat depending on the density of the wood or how big the bat is. MLB is the organization that stated that 74 Sosa bats were tested after the corked bat incident. We are getting into a lot of speculation on all of this but in any event he wasn’t kicked out of baseball and was allowed to continue his career. That was the decision of the MLB. Lots of bad guys and cheaters are already in the Hall. What we are seeing here is a popularity contest not a professional skills assessment imo.

  40. Hits leader not in, HR leader not in, one of the best pitcher’s not in. Its embarrassing as a baseball fan that I had to just state the above. As when I visited the HOF 4 years ago that was the opinion of the vast amount of people I spoke to. I watched baseball intently during the so called PED period. Do people honestly think during that time 30 to 50 percent of the players weren’t taking some sort of PED Just look at the size of the players in that era. Do you think bonds wasn’t hitting against many pitcher’s and fielder’s. Do you think clemens wasn’t pitcher against many batters during that period. So now we single out a few players from that era and punish them. Or is it simply discrimination against a few because they were not the most liked back then. But no they were guilty of using PED, fine show me they never played against other players not using something or other and then I’ll listen. Not to mention apparently breaking the law or doing something wrong means nothing. Burn down cities nothing, pardon crooks nothing, election fraud nothing. I could go on and on. Put the men in and stop embarrassing me as a fan before I am not one.

  41. Freind i hard to understand that some cronist are saying ,that vizquel was a poor player shortsop ,look the 11 golden gloves, my opinion is that the cronist have to evaluated not for internal problem domestic or comments, the cronist have to evaluated the person what they do in the baseball game did not outside,outside the game they are normal persons like every body and is good to tell every words in from the person is more easily ,not like they are doing

  42. There’s a character claus in the voting rules. That’s what’s keeping the cheaters,beaters and Curt Schilling out. Nothing more,nothing less. Take a minute to read the rules one day and maybe you will have a better understanding.

    • Well if you want to use the character clause then about a 1/3 of the hof should be kicked out

  43. I understand what you saying tom , but after years ,playing and retaier baseball player the sport have to be saying that some person are poor or not remember that the sport is reacties and job for some persons but not you life after retair all the rules merit is not have to become to introduces person in a hall of fame of some sport ,if this will be comes like this many sport player will says i dont i play ,but they will dont care if will be onside of a hall of fame with a name player plate or not ,remember that player can say i like or not sorry to says this but that is the live ,not body can say you are in and your out ,the cronist have to think this or many players will say i dont interesting
    Sorry ryan but i thinking this can be more clear ,remember hall of fame is optional,look others sports

  44. There are plenty of guys in the Hall with checkered pasts, Tom. Robbie Alomar spit on an ump and used cocaine, Tim Raines admitted to playing with Coke in his pocket. I’m sure there have been a multitude of drunk drivings, fights, arrests and other malfeasance.

  45. I’m aware of the claus. Simply put had baseball ban the alleged PED users lifetime and then they were not eligible for the HOF. Then these sanctimonious voters would have a agreement. The HOF is by no means a place of saints and clergymen. Call them cheaters, beaters or whatever. But one can’t get around the fact atleast bonds and clemens maybe in the top 10 or 15 to ever play the game. I don’t condone what they allegedly did but that is certainly no reason to hold them out.

  46. Dear Ryan ,luis maury , is really hard to understand that this 2021 ,ballots votes ,can Many cronist ,for the votes ,can used the extra sports situation in the evaluation ,in hope if the mlb ,can do more clear when they mention the possible electives player next year or in the future dont uses the extra sports or family situacion or problems wife and husband,if the cronist rules become like this possible in the future many player will say i play in the mlb,but i dont want to be elected on the hall of fame ,think this is a recomendation ,many player dont want to be annoument in the list

  47. Oswaldo, Vizquel was a regular player, not a superstar. He never won any offensive title. He was great at defense, but defense is not all, is a part. In the previous three years, no one talked about their problems outside of baseball and it still did not reach 75%.

  48. Happy to see one of my favorites, Scott Rolen, getting some love. Third base is very underrepresented IMO. Beltran in a few years will join the HOF… always thought Ken Boyer deserved a nod.

    • Beltran will take many more years to be elected to the Hall of Fame, if ever. He was involved in the Houston sign stealing mess, and for that reason he lost an opportunity to manage the Mets. Even though I am a Royals fan and I remember him from his early years there, I always thought of him as a borderline candidate anyway, sorta like Rolen. Among center field candidates, I prefer Bernie Williams even though he was not the defender or base runner that Beltran was.

  49. Scott: yeah catcher and the hot corner lag behind other positions.

    How likely is this: the guys Close get to 75% and the guys hovering at 5% fall under?

  50. Eric

    I’ll go with unlikely and likely. At this point, l don’t see any of the big 3 getting in. Down around 5%, one vote makes a big difference, so obviously it could go either way, but there doesn’t seem to be any movement to keep guys on the ballot. Lots and lots of really good players have slid right off the ballot. Kenny Lofton comes to mind.

  51. Yes this is the case mant good player never enter to the hof mlb , ron you remember kenny lofton i remember dave concepcion was a good shortstop player , was in a ballots votes for more 10 years ,than goes one election in veterans commities and never enter and was one of maquines reds many of them enter in the hof ,of that time only pete rose didnt for the comments we know ,in payment games
    That i why i comments luis maury and Ryan but we cannot enter in the mind of the commities of cronist ,that the same when elected player to the allstar game
    I hope you agree with me ,is time that the commities of cronist can understand i hope in the future the can thinking better not they are doing in this election 2021 , you can see in the top 6 american player the latinoamerican player ,the case is to do not parcial only entering american player

  52. It is good to see that Bonds, Clemens, and Schilling are near 75 %. Unfortunately, Vizquel is falling down. This reveals once more that BBWAA electors are too much influenced by “moral” considerations, instead of just “sports” criteria

  53. I wouldn’t be surprised to see only Scott Rolen make it in this time. From what I have heard in the past Clemens, Bonds and Schilling numbers have tended to decline as more and more of the ballots are cast. I could see a push by conservative voting members to include Rolen since he is within spitting distance. Maybe Schilling gets a bump too just because there isn’t anyone else deserving and he isn’t tied to the juicing issues.

  54. It’s the “Hall of who hasn’t alienated the BBWAA” not the Hall of Fame. I’ll consider calling it the HOF when Pete Rose is allowed in.

  55. The only opinon that i like ia the vote of rosental that he did what i think and like the player merit that have vizquel to be inside i hope in the rest 6 time that he have to be in of the museum of hall of fame ,doing by the play game and dont try to do what they many cronist did this time ,also bobby Abreu can enter too will be good for many country venezuela and can motivited other Venezuela player

  56. The only opinon that i like ia the vote of rosental that he did what i think and like the player merit that have vizquel to be inside i hope in the rest 6 time that he have to be in of the museum of hall of fame ,doing by the play game and dont try to do what they many cronist did this time ,also bobby Abreu can enter too will be good for many country venezuela and can motivited other Venezuela player

  57. Rolen isn’t *within spitting distance” but he is well positioned for the future; Schilling has lost votes on recurring ballots from last year. His percentage is up due to the timing of the ballots received. Neither gets in this year. Next year will be crazy.

    • Eric will be more votes that Ryan thibodalux recieve open of the cronist of hall of fame 2021

  58. Okey i hope that can become for more good new for the player below in porcentaje bellow 40 ,have good night

  59. So far 3 voters have rescinded their votes form last year for Schilling. So last year he was a HOFer but not this year? Did they change their votes because of his politics? Of course they did, but political views should not be a factor in this election.

  60. That are the same many cronist did with vizquel ,about 9 more less only for comments

  61. Thanks Ryan good new vizquel and Abreu will be safe and can have another opportunities i hope they can increase more the porcentaje and vizquel can increase more and pass the 52 porcentaje he had last year ,thanks you Ryan the cronist reflex with the comments of rosenthal of the atletic magazine

  62. Listening to folks on MLB network talk about reforms they’d like to see. The most common seems to be a threshold over 3 years to stsy on the ballot. I have an easier one: lift the vote cap to 12+.

  63. Hi play with magallanes in Venezuela i see him in tv and also you play many years in Venezuela baseball league ,but not to much games ,you fathe play with dave Parker ,and michel page ,in the 1970 ,i see you when you was really young in one game in caracas venezuela the stadium called universitario

  64. He play with magallanes in Venezuela i see him in tv and also you play many years in Venezuela baseball league ,but not to much games ,you father play with dave Parker ,and michel page ,in the 1970 ,i see you when you was really young in one game in caracas venezuela the stadium called universitario

  65. I use to look forward to seeing someone has added to the thread until it got infested with one annoying soul. Please stop posting.

    Ryan can not tell you when they will add votes. They will as voters share. Instead of writing in here go to last year’s spreadsheet and email the voters. They have literally compiled them in one place for a reason.

    Also Omar is not a shoe in for HOF. Borderline. If he gets in will be year 9 or 10. Abreu is not a HOF. Not through BBWAA at least.

    One last thing- learn proper meaning of cronist B4 using it. Does not fit here..

    PLEASE STOP WRITING 5 times a day so we can tell when real chat starts..

  66. sorry, is you dont want ,that person can to be interesting, that konw ,how is the voting improving runing

  67. Bonds was a Hall of Famer before he ever juiced. He won MVPs in 3 of 4 years between 1990 & 1993. He actually got robbed one of the years and MVP went to Terry Pendleton.
    The point being….3 MVPs is the Max by any Hall of Famer in Cooperstown. We are talking the likes of Berra, Mantle, DiMaggio, Musial, Campanella & Foxx. So Bonds did what those Hall of Famers did in a 4 year span of his career…totally clean.
    Then years later the whole league is juiced ( Thanks Canseco )….pitchers and offensive players and Bonds joins in with the majority of MLB and goes on to win 4 more MVPs, 2 batting titles, hits 73 HRs ( on very few strikes ) and is the home run king surpassing Aaron.

    Oh yeah….he’s also the only guy in the 500 / 500 club.
    He’s literally one of the 3 or 4 greatest players to ever play baseball.

    Put him in. Dudes have already been inducted that totally juiced ( Pudge / Piazza / Bagwell ).
    It’s just that the media hated Bonds and he never bothered to kiss their tear ends ….

  68. Buenos dias luis maury tu que vives en usa y estas mas cerca que le responderias a adam ,se que estan tratando que las personas que consumieron asteroides anabolizantes no entren al salon de la fama o dilatando si puedes aclarale a adam vi un artículo hoy donde dice que los cronistas apartir de voto 122 estan tratando que barry bonds no llegue al 75 %,eso es verdad o falso saludos Oswaldo zambrano

    • Hola Oswaldo, Yo no vivo en USA, vivo en Perú. Lo que dice Adam, es que los números de Bonds lo convierten en un HOF, y que el tema de los Esteroides no debería ser impedimento, ya que Piazza/ Pudge Rodriguez y Bagwell, han sido electos y tuvieron problemas con los mismos esteroides. En cuanto al articulo que has leído, desconozco el mismo, y quien lo escribió, sólo puedo decirte, que las boletas con los votos han sido remitidas a la La Asociación de Escritores de Baseball de Estados Unidos (BBWAA, por sus siglas en inglés), en los plazos establecidos, revelarlas o no, es potestad de cada Cronista, pero no indica de ninguna manera un orden especifico de numeración, dicho de otra manera, quien revele su voto hoy, no quiere decir que es el voto 134 ó 145, ya todos los votos están en poder de la BBWAA, es decir, ya ellos saben si hay electos o no, y quienes siguen o no en las boletas del año próximo,

  69. okey ,si es así porque están llegando tan lentos los votos revelados

    • Porque no es obligatorio revelarlos.El anuncio oficial será el 26 de enero. Simplemente hay que esperar hasta esa fecha. Un poco más de dos semanas.

  70. Hi Ryan today you recieve more votes ballots open from the cronist hall of fame 2021

  71. I not happy some cronist are delating the results i was that at this time to know 50 %of the votes but is late i hope that tomorrow can be open more results,have nice day

    • Oswaldo, nada obliga a los cronistas a revelar sus votos, como te he señalado desde hace días, el 26 de enero se conocerán los resultados.

  72. Que bueno luis vizquel se esta manteniendo en 40 %,ayer se cumplio 35años de que eligieron a luis aparicio al hall de la fama de mlb,esperamos que entren otros jugadores en el futuro de Venezuela yo también estoy fuera de mi pais pero lo recuerdo mucho

  73. El próximo jugador venezolano electo via cronistas va a ser Miguel Cabrera, quien debería terminar con +3000 Hits, +500 Hr +600 Db cerca de 2000 rbi, +1500 anotadas, 300 avg. 2 MVP, una triple corona y 4 títulos de bateo en total.

  74. Este año pasa los 3000 hit,los 500 hr, las 600 db, mas de las 2000 y mas de las 15000 anotadas y promedio de 320 en bateo todas esas marcas las va a pasar en el 2021,otro que va por ese rumbo es altuve y el número 14 de Atlanta que ya lleva 60 hr

    • De Altuve hay que ver como le va este año, luego del escándalo por robo de señas, su promedio cayó considerablemente. Y Ronald Acuña, es un chaval aún, le queda mucho camino por recorrer.

  75. Miggy is certainly a HOFer but he’s also ending his career like Albert Pujols. I would definitely bet against him reaching 2000 RBI and the other milestones are in doubt in 2021. Detroit would love to escape his contract if they could.

    • Of course, my comment is only a projection. But I can confirmn that Miggy is work really hard to reach all these milestones.

  76. How can these sportswriters think that Scott Rolen is a HOF. potential 65% of the vote are you actually serious??? The guy is a lifetime .281 hitter he is not even close to the all-time greats as a third baseman, he had 6 real good years. I am shocked by this.

  77. Vince – Scott Rolen was arguably the best 3rd baseman of his generation. Baseball is more than just hitting it’s also defense. By the defensive metrics and the number of gold gloves (8 of them) Rolen might be the 3rd best defensive 3Ber of all-time. That combined with pretty solid offensive numbers and 7 All-star selections makes him worth consideration. I saw him play in person many times and he passes the ‘eye test’. If not for the old Vet stadium turf and the other turf fields where he played most of his career shredding his knees and back, he might have played longer and had less injury shortened seasons. That would have boosted his counting stats. Still 300-plus homers, nearly 1,300 RBI and a .364 OBP is nothing to sneeze at for guy who was as good defensively as he was. Ozzie Smith got in on the first ballot with much weaker offensive numbers.

  78. I think can be the equal for vizquel and ozzie smith , was two of the best shortstop in the mlb and win many premium to do the best shortstop in the 19 th

  79. Hall of fame was all about baseball accomplishments. Now it has become politics… It depends on how well you patronized many of the baseball writers..It is not about baseball anymore…..Pete Rose and many others belong

  80. Thats was i was thinking too but right now is chance i dont understand why is the Hall of fame was created with merit and right now is involving many subject different

  81. Only 6 days to know… who will go to Cooperstown, who must keep waiting and who says goodbye to the ballots..

  82. luis answering your information the 3 close for enter this year schilling , bonds, and clemens the rest will be wait for next year i hope that the cronist can changes the from of voting for the player not political not personal problem out fo the mlb , and domestic only vote for merrit of the player in the time they play, this comments is foral that was writing this years in the form of vote this year

  83. bueno si tu lo dices que bueno para el

    • Hola Oswaldo, lamento decepcionarte, pero Bob Abreu no debería ser electo en los 8 años que teóricamente le quedan en las boletas.

  84. I just can’t understand the inconsistency. Bonds, Clemens, Ramirez, Sosa + Palmeiro (when he was on the ballot) all have Hall of Fame numbers. Thedy all also have the steroids issue.
    As a voter you should vote for none of them (if you think that steroids should be a showstopper) or all of them (if you think that PED’s should not be an issue).

  85. Amigo Luis si tu dices que bobby abreu no deberia ser electo en los 8 años que quedan no entiendo para que lo ponen en la lista de postulados al hall de la fama mlb ,si es asi por relleno deberian dejarlo afuera ,mira el comentario thomas habla de la incompresibilidad de algunos peloteros que utilizaron asteroides y fueron elegidos a poner la placa en el salon de la fama ,me parece todo tan injusto pero bueno asi es el ser humano nadie es perfecto saludos

  86. Cualquier pelotero con más de 10 años en las Grandes Ligas, es un candidato potencial al Salón de la Fama,. Luego hay otras consideraciones, estadísticas, liderazgo, etc, una vez en la lista de candidatos, deben cumplir con un mínimo de votos (5%) para mantenerse en ella. Eso no quiere decir que deban ser electos. En el caso de Abreu, como antes pasó con otros candidatos, cumplen con algunos, pero no con todos los requisitos para ser exaltados.

  87. Thomas,

    I don’t agree with that. Bonds and Clemens put up numbers that were so amazing that even when discounted by a (subjective) % they still deserve to be enshrined. (Also, they put up HOF # before the perceived start of the steroid era).

    I do not feel that the same can be said for all the other candidates and that is why l make a differentiation.

  88. There are two different groups working separate from each other currently keeping Curt Schilling out of the Hall of Fame.

    The 1st group is improperly using the character clause to keep him out based on Curt using his 1st Amendment rights once he retired from baseball in a way that they personally find offensive.

    The 2nd group is the traditional metrics group who are not voting for him due to him winning only 216 games over his 20 year career. This traditional metrics group did not vote for Hall of Fame pitchers like Bert Blyleven (287 wins), Mike Mussina (w/ 270 wins) and/or Jack Morris (254 wins) for the same reason. Bobby Mathews (297 wins), Tommy John (288 wins), Jim Kaat (283 wins), Jamie Moyer (269 wins) and Tony Mullane (284 wins) were kept out by this same group of voters. And the traditional metrics group will probably use the same reasoning to not vote for CC Sabathia (251 wins), Bartolo Colon (247 wins), Justin Verlander (226 wins), Zack Greinke (208 wins), Jon Lester (193 wins), Clayton Kershaw (175 wins), & Max Scherzer (175 wins), unless any of them somehow reach 300 wins by the time they are retired from baseball.
    Some of the members of the 1st group are hiding behind the arguments of the 2nd group to hide their political bias in order to justify them not voting for Schilling.

    To the members of the 1st group who improperly cite the character clause or their own hurt feelings as reasons to not vote for Schilling…
    Curt Schilling will eventually be a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame and if the BBWAA doesn’t put him in, he will probably get in the 1st time he is featured on the Today’s Game Era ballot.

    Would you rather him have to swallow his pride and be forced to thank the baseball writers, regardless of how they voted for him in the past?

    Or would you rather him thanking the retired players, managers, general managers & active owners on the Today’s Game Era Committee, his friends behind him already in the Hall of Fame and the people who helped get him to becoming the pitcher he was including former coaches, teammates & rivals, while he devotes a section of his speech to rubbing his election in the faces of the large minority of writers who tried to keep him out because of him using his 1st Amendment rights in a way they found offensive?

    • I’d like to thank this comment for making me happy. Now I’m going to pour a tall glass of prune juice and plop in the tub. Cheers!

  89. Curious how many of the writers enhance their “performance” with little blue or too much scotch. I think it should be determined by players and fans. Sports writers are hacks.

  90. Roy Halladay & Pedro Martinez dropping by to say hi………

  91. Nobody disagrees with Curt Schilling’s politics more than I do, but I will attest to his sterling personal character.

    I approve of applying the character clause to keep bad characters out of the HOF.

    But that doesn’t apply to Schilling.

    He is just an idiot who belongs in the HOF.

  92. Why because Schilling supported a president who stood up for America?
    Unlike the current dipstick and his predecessor, the Turd? That’s a view shared by 50% of Americans. Perhaps every NBAer who supports Burn Loot Murder should be banned from Springfield.

  93. Freind that one of my opinion that i told many times to a persons that are asking to me questions about how to elect a player to the hof mlb,what i was thinking is that the hof was create to premium the player for merrit, in the years they play in the mlb ,i have one exemple that was Dave concepcion was never elected with the 75% for enter in hof mlb,and many of the reds machines obtain the elective porcentaje to enter ,is not because i am venezuelan citizen,is because was one of the best shortstop in the mlb ,in this election of 2021 i see that the comments are extra sports ,and many political, many domestic problem , i think that is better that the cronist can take more their thinking main , with the merrit of the player and dont be influence by other ,and thinking by their opinión and can be more credit the election of hof ,have nice weekend

    • Oswaldo, una vez más te gana el Nacionalismo, Concepción, al igual que Vizquel fueron unos grandes campocortos, pero no son ni remotamente lo que nos vendieron publicitariamente. Hay un índice llamado JAWS, que incluye aparte de las estadísticas tradicionales, otras, como posición en los MPV, revisa ese índice y verás que tanto Vizquel como Concepción, están muy lejos de los mejores SS de todos los tiempos. https://www.baseball-reference.com/leaders/jaws_SS.shtml

  94. I hope that the voters stick to their guns and don’t cave in Year 9 or 10. Either you think cheaters belong or they don’t. But don’t say no for 9 years and then flip. That would be spineless.

    • Their stats were Hall of Fame well in advance of the steroids allegations. It’s not even close. Bonds and Clemens dominated the game for year after year. The Hall puts in guys like Harold Baines who was a very good ball player…but never dominant. He hung around long enough to get some HOF lifetime stats but never dominated the game like Bonds and Clemens.

      To add injury to insult; Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez is in the Hall….and Canseco was injecting him with steroids while they played on the Rangers together. What’s that all about ? The Hall puts him in ? Others are suspected too that were recently inducted. The Hall is a politically charged voting event and a popularity contest. Lastly the guy who gets over 4000 hits is not on the Hall ? Are you kidding me ? Pete Rose is the hit king and no one will ever come close to his record. He’s out and guys like Mike Musina and Harold Baines are in the Hall. What a joke….

  95. The character clause is something I wish they would remove from consideration. It only seems to be used in one direction, to hurt players chances of being in the hall. Dale Murphy doesn’t get a boost from the character clause so Schilling should get knocked because of it. (Obviously, Schilling is a much better candidate but if anyone should get a boost from the clause it would be Murphy).

  96. Bonds and Clemens had hall of Fame numbers before they ever juiced. Plain and simple. Put them in. Bonds has 400 homers and 400 steals in 1998 before he ever messed with PEDs. No one has ever done 400 /400. He’s the only guy in the club. Was he a dick and a jerk to fans and media ? Yes.
    But he is a Hall of Famer. Clemens is likely the greatest right handed pitcher to ever play the game. His stats his first 12 years alone had him as a Hall of Famer.

    Most of the the voters could never hit a 94 mph slider or throw the 98 mph fastball. Why do these non athletes have all this voting power ?
    Put Bonds and Clemens in and out an asterisk by their name if you want.

    It ain’t the Hall of Saints.
    It’s the Hall of Fame and Clemens and Bonds are top 10 greatest players of all time. Vote them in.

    • You’re right! Stats don’t lie. If they were so bad, why did the MLB and teams keep them employed even after they knew about using PEDs? Baseball don’t care, that’s why. If they are good enough to play then they should be included in the final tally of their production and when they beat everybody’s a$$ like Bonds, Clemens, Sosa did, even Pete Rose, they should be included in the Hall of Fame. Baseball writers pretending they are better than these players are frauds.

  97. Hi freind is possible that Ryan can recieve more open votes on the cronist of hof today

  98. Hopeful the Hall does the right thing and lets the voters change their votes in light of the acts of sedition that Schilling supported

    • But that really is not relevant to the debate here, Rob. We’re talking about whether Schilling deserves to be in the HOF for supporting sedition.

      Jim Rice had some great career stats, but was perennially panned by writers, and one could argue it was because he was such a “pleasant” person to the press, throughout his career, that it took him 15 years to get in. Not being an a-hole matters, and not just in HOF voting.

      In the meantime, I hope I get there in far few years. I’m a pretty good lefty. Have you seen my pickoff move?

  99. Si amigos es verdad lo que dicen pero bueno asi son los cronistas no se entienden si se ponen haber vizquel saco el año pasado 52.70 % y habia quedado 4 ,pero bueno una mala intencion de juan vene y la esposa no lo dejaron que entra este año ,pero si a schilling lo felicito pir la valenta de pitchear con los phillips de filadelfi con el pie ensangrentado saludos a todos se guere opinando para el próximo año haber si los cronistas no se dejan llevar por la parte extra deportiva

    • Amigo Oswaldo, Juan Vené solo tiene un voto. Y como podrás darte cuenta, pudieras afirmar eso, si sólo le faltara un voto a Vizquel. Los periodistas que votan, tienen criterio propio, no sería prudente culpar a uno solo de la no elección de Vizquel. Igual mañana a esta hora sabremos los votos definitivos. Yo no voto, y estoy consciente que Omar no tiene suficientes méritos para ser un Hall de la Fama. Antes te dije, que Omar fue un excelente short stop defensivamente hablando, pero con el bate fue un jugador normal, y la defensa por sí sola no le garantiza un lugar en Cooperstown. Igual te dije que aparte de Aparicio, el único super estrella de Venezuela es Miguel Cabrera. Y una vez que se retire, irá sin duda a ese lugar. El Hall de la Fama es solo para los notables. Y ni Vizquel ni Abreu están en ese rango. Vizquel puede que llegue, en su novena o en su última aparición en las boletas, pero por ahora toca esperar. Saludos

  100. I’d like to thank Oswaldo for all the shoutouts over the weeks. Not a lot of people say cronist, but I’ll take all the love and bagels I can get.

  101. 5 years on the ballot is plenty long enough. Clear out all the guys hanging on that will not be elected and focus on the best. Like if I can’t crack 50% in 5 years then I’m not a HOFer.

    • I hit you

      I heard Omar’s really Chinese and pretends to be Venezuelan, and he’s been totally bald so nice he was ten years old. And never tips waiters. He’s the worst person, trust me former pitcher Jose Mesa speaking the truth.

  102. Hi everyone! I am a real hall of fame baseball player! This actually happened! Not because I was voted in – never cracked 10% of the vote, but because I was nice to some guys who back door the process with friendly freebies. So, basically anyone who made an all star game is a hall of gamer in my book. Or hit a home run that somebody thought looked cool. Or some guys have nice haircuts. Props to them. As for me, I threw left handed which is really challenging if you’ve never tried it. Happy days are here again, enjoy Cooperstown everyone!

  103. hi omar i hear yesterday about you mother die , i really unhoppy abotu this notice , i was one that want that our country can have more that one player that is luis aparacio, i see you playing yonger4 in the unversitario stadium in vnenezuela with caracas lion , in the shorstop , with number 23 , also i saw the mlb baseball gaem i hope that next year dont be affreid what i mention this years in the comments you will be in soon , and will be the second player venezuelan inside the hof , remember we are puching will all Venezuela player

  104. Andy Petty
    Jim Rice has a 47.7 career WAR, that’s way below RF HOF standard. Perhaps your understanding of that is on par with your political insight. Schilling deserves to be in even if he gets your little blue panties into a snit.

    • Thanks for all the support everyone, essentially mi amigo Oswaldo for all the enthusiasm. I asked to be left out of next years ballot so there may be more votes for Omar. He says hi by the way. We were just sharing a big milkshake this week reminding ourselves how lucky we were to wear cleats for a living.

      • I am a Die Hard Yankee fan, and never liked you because you beat my beloved team….I also think that you should be a Hall of Famer because you played the game hard and did what it takes to win on the field… I like that you did not Kiss Ass to the writers… Unfortunately the Hall of Fame has become a popularity contest with the writers… No longer elected on your baseball achievements, only on how you treated the press… I think that your peers who played with or against you would elect you on your merits…

  105. No entendí lo que me tradujeron del comentario deseandole sentido pesame a omar vizquel por la muerte de su madre el dia de ayer y que tranquilonque no se preocupe que el va hacer el 2 Venezuela exaltado al hall de la fama que mala traduccion a mi relato

  106. Baines deserved the hall also as the grandson of a pro baseball player I feel bonds deserves it but others may feel different but numbers don’t lie and we could go threw a lot players in the hall right now that used supplements to get better.

    • Thanks Thimes, I think you deserve a pat on the back for being a swell guy. If your family ever wants to play some pick up basketball just yell out the window and I’ll come running. Fast. You can call me Hal!

  107. Dear freind apparently nobody of the list of player enter this year to the hof

  108. Que tristeza la ex esposa de vizquel logro su cometido este año ahora que murio la mama de vizquel que van a decir los cronistas no veo ningún sentido pésame a vizquel que tristeza

    • Oswaldo, ni la a ex-esposa de Vizquel ni Juan Vené, tienen nada que ver con su no elección al Hall de la Fama, las estadísticas de Vizquel están allí, y como ya te he dicho antes, fue un excelente short stop defensivo, pero ofensivamente nunca (nunca) fue determinante para su equipo, eso no puede obviarse. Y con el caso de Abreu, pues pasa lo mismo, sus números son buenos, pero no fue nunca el jugador que cargó con sus equipos. Un consejo, analiza las estadísticas de los jugadores y el aporte que hicieron a sus equipos, y verás que quienes votan, tienen toda la razón de no votar por ellos. El año próximo entra David Ortiz, jugo mas del 70% de sus juegos como designado, pero con el bate se hizo respetar, y cargó con su equipo muchas veces. Hay escritores que alegan que un Bateador designado es medio jugador, ahora Yo te pregunto. Si fueras Manager de un equipo y tienes un último turno al bate con el juego empatado, ¿A quien quisieras tener al bate, a Ortiz, a Abreu o a Vizquel? Eso es lo que hace la diferencia. Saludos y nos estamos hablando.

  109. I only got 6 votes in my only ballot for the Hall and way more WAR than Harold Baines. I got more all stars more awards, I’m taller, and better looking than Baines. Life ain’t fair. Don’t do drugs everybody.

  110. I think the Hall needs more Venezuelan players and fewer Japanese players. I know Carlos Gonzalez agrees with me but not sure about Ichiro though. Hasta la vista

  111. My name is Ruben Sierra and I hit 14 triples in 1989. You can look it up if you don’t believe me. Straight facts from the Rube as my best friends call me.

  112. People need to stop discriminating me for liking lolis a little too much. Also Black Lives Matters! and fuck Bernie for being a zero!

  113. If Clemens and Bonds get robbed again next year for 2022 Hall of Fame voting….they will likely easily make the Hall post 2022 with the New Era Hall of Fame Committee. This committee is comprised of 16 voters with 8 hall of Famers / 4 front office folks and 4 baseball historians or sports writers. With 8 former ball players and Hall of Famers currently on the committee currently comprised of George Brett, Robin Yount, Eddie Murray, Rod Carew, Ozzie Smith, etc…..real player’s who played with and against Clemens and Bonds will vote.

    Likely, Binds and Clemens will each get their 12/16 votes needed by this committee and may even get 100% of the 16 member vote for Hall of Fame induction….that is of course again if the Hall of a Fame 440 voters rob them again in 2022.

    Put in Clemens and Bonds !!!!

    • Google me. George Brett. Already long on record saying steroids inductees mean me and others stop going to Cooperstown. So don’t bet on me voting in needle pushers. I also inspired Lirde’s song “Royals” which you can also Google whole you’re at it. I didn’t hit as many dingers as them dope heads but I’m still capable of waiting up ready to kick ass any day of the week. Straight up all naturally like Snapple. God bless

      • Yup, we already shut down Palmeiro. I was thinking of him the other day while I was combing my mustache. We’d love someone in the Hall named Raffy but not with that dirt on him, nope

      • I called for steroids testing in 2002 and talked about the bloated HR records. Care to guess who I’m NOT voting in?

      • I was flipping across my front yard end to end when Brett texting me about this silly idea. Google me bro. I’ll save you the time, here’s the direct quote:
        “From my perspective, if a guy tested positive (for steroids) or a guy admitted to using, it means he cheated,” Smith said Monday in a telephone interview. “We banned Pete Rose from baseball for betting. What he did on the baseball field was unparrallelled. So if you if you’re going to ban him from baseball completely, then if a guy tested positive or admitted using, he automatically eliminates himself from being part of the Hall of Fame.”
        Can that be any clearer? Hall of Fame players look down at the PED players. They devalue the efforts of littler dudes like me who succeeded with our natural skills. Ok, I got to go get more of my flips in for the day. Bye!

  114. Punishment? Yes, like ‘you may not be enshrined while living.’ Banishment? No; that’s too harsh. If the HOF were for the enshrinees, fine, have it your way, but it’s not. The HOF is for the FANS.

  115. Players here connected to PED’s is basically the same as players using greenies back in the day. What are we talking about here? Is this hypocrisy or what? There are actually plenty of cheaters in the hall of fame. We all know the history of Gaylord Perry and what he used to do back then. Bud Selig, already enshrined in the hall of fame looked the other way, knowing what was going on in the game. Clemens, Bonds, McGwire, Sosa and many other baseball players helped the game of baseball after the 1994 strike and we all know that. Those players were putting up a show, and people loved it back then. So, now voters are punishing them, is that another way to say thank you for bringing the baseball fans back in the parks. By the way, I’ll say this again, neither Barry Bonds nor Roger Clemens ever tested positive to steroids, so we are only talking here about allegations.

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